Thursday, September 16, 2010

Grand Opening of Berry Bear Frozen Yogurt~

Yummy in our Tummy!
We have a new favorite frozen yogurt place to visit!
If you like frozen yogurt then you need to check out Berry Bear~
scroll below to check the place out

Ok don't laugh but I had to take a pic of the cool faucet
in the bathroom at Berry Bear when we went to wash our hands.
I've never seen this and thought this was quite original...
my daughter thought it was cool too!

At Berry Bear you self-serve from various flavors on the wall.
Everything is paid in weight, so you can have as much or little as you want.
You can have taste tests of the flavors to help you decide which
to get and they had some yummy ones too!

Then after you get your frozen yogurt flavor picked out
you can top it with various fruits, candys, cereal, sauces, etc.!
Too many options but I loved the fruit variety they had!

Hayden chose a blueberry yogurt flavor which tasted
like cheesecake was in it...Mmmm!
'Lyza Jane loved the fruit bar and put lots of different
fruits on her PINK strawberry frozen yogurt she picked.
They had a TV that was playing cartoons, so they kids were

in heaven stating we had to come back almost immediately

before they even began eating their frozen yogurt.

Besides all the healthy fruit toppings,

'Lyza Jane also snuck a few gummi bears on top! ;-)
Hayden LOVED his bowl of yumminess!

When you go for the first time you get a business card that
has a stamp incentive on the back....way cool!
Fill it with 9 stamps and your 10th cup is FREE!

Berry Bear just opened next to Walmart in the shopping Plaza.
I can't wait to take the kids back to try more flavors.
You can mix flavors if you want too.
They had a Pineapple and a cheesecake flavor I want to
try one day that sounded scrumptious!
They get new flavors in regularly too so it may be a surprise
everytime you go.
The place was worth a trip for some fro-yo though!
It makes TCBY closing so much better to get over too~

Enjoy your FRO-YO when you go!
Somer Jane


  1. Thanx for the info. I was looking for a fun yogurt shoppe to take my kiddos but surprisingly, local places dont have any websites or pics! But thanx to you, we will try this place out today!!

  2. Your welcome! Enjoy the FRO-Yo! They just opened one out in St. B area too. ;-)
