Thursday, September 30, 2010

Disney on Ice 2010 Toy Story 3~

Look...I met Woody and Jessie at Disney on Ice tonight!
hee ;-)
My children and I took Grandma My-Hope to the
Toy Story 3 Disney on Ice show this evening and
boy did the kids have a blast!
They of course had to play the part and dress up for
the grand occassion too!
(Don't my Woody & Jessie look so stinking cute!)
At the beginning of the show the cool army men
parachuted from the top of the arena which was a cool entrance!
You must have COTTON CANDY at Disney on Ice,
it's just tradition!!
Woody and Jessie make their debut on the ice~
The whole Toy Story gang was there and it was super cool how
they made the characters for the Disney on Ice!

OOhhh NOOooo its the EVIL ZORG!!!
(He was shooting fireballs out onto the Ice, which
Hayden thought was awesome but Lyza did not want him
to come back out again! ha ha)
YAY!! It's Buzz LightYear to the rescue!!
(Arriving in style from the air)

I love these guys below!!
(It's the CLAW!!!)
You have been chosen!! ooooohh
A Rodeo Round-Up dance below~
YeeHaw cowboy!

I'm a Barbie a Barbie World!!
Gotta love Barbie~
Love at first sight...Barbie and Ken~
Woody escapes the Sunnyside Daycare~

Ohh No its Lotso Bear...the bad bear as Hayden would call him! ;-)
He locked up the Gang...he is a bad ol'bear!

End of the SHOW finale~
'Lyza said can we stay here Mommy, I like this place!
(It was her first show I've ever taken her too & she was loving it)
I think the Potato Heads are soo cute! hee
Well after Mickey D's, cotton candy, popcorn, funnel cake bites,
and some big salted pretzels too boot...
I think this show is over my friend!! ;-)
But we had a great time~
Can't wait till they come back is what 'Lyza said!
I wonder what the show will be next year myself~
But thank-you Disney on Ice for a great Toy Story 3 performance!
We enjoyed our night out on the town and
had fun watching the talented ice skaters perform!
Till next year~
Thanks a bunch!
Somer Jane

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