Friday, August 6, 2010

First Day of 1st grade for Hayden~

Soo its off to the RACES AGAIN!!!
Its a brand new school year and Hayden is starting the big 1st grade!
We are sooo excited and know Hayden has grown some
physically & mentally over the summer...
and we got a brand new haircut just a day ago to start
the new school year off right!
(Hayden wanted it cut, not me! sniff sniff)
Lyza saying her goodbyes and well wishes for
a great 1st day of 1st grade to Hayden above!

After we dropped Hayden off...
Mommy needed a Starbucks Iced White Chocolate Mocha
to deal with her sadness and heartache...
'Lyza needed some of mommys drink too~ tee hee

We all made it thru the first school day and we picked Hayden up
and got some Wendys for a picnic at the Park!
We asked Hayden how his first day was and if he liked his teacher
and this is what he said~

One of the things they did today at school~ very good Hayden!

I hope Hayden enjoys his new teacher this year he is a man named, Mr. Kolb.

(We are excited to have him teach our Hayden this year as parents)
Lets pray this year is even better than last year,
that Hayden is successful in his first grade academic year!
Go Hayden Class of 2022!

love you big boy~
Somer Jane

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