Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Downtown Farmers Market & Fountain~

We love the downtown market even if we are only window shopping
some visits...I do love to buy freshly baked breads and homegrown fruits there~
I also love the handmade soaps and jewelry!
The kids love the free taste tests and the people that say HI to them!
This is a fairly new fountain to the downtown area and
today the kids got to cool down by admiring the cool breeze coming off it.

Not to mention the cool WET feel of the water on their hands! ;-)

It really is a beautiful fountain with the theme of kids playing in water
all the way around it...really perfect summer fountain!

If you make it to the Farmers Market one Saturday...
be sure to try some of the fresh food they bring...some of it is just YUMMY!
The market will be open thru October so go enjoy~

Somer Jane

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