Sunday, May 9, 2010

A May Picnic Play Day~

Since we've had some time off school/work due to the Flood of 2010.
We decided to take a moment and enjoy God's gift of sunshine today
with a picnic and some baseball.
The kids above having a bonding moment just chillin' & eating
and having a conversation together.
Makes my heart smile! ;-)

Below racing...poor 'Lyza can't keep up with big Bro~
My handsome man Hayden~

My beautiful Princess 'Lyza~

Hey there country bumpkins,
put your Shoes back on!

I just bought Hayden a glove and a practice bat,
in hopes that I can get him signed up for baseball next year.
So far, he has really loved playing catch and having batting practice.
Maybe by next year, he'll be ready to play with the rules and we
can actually have him in a team sport!
He gets soo excited about it, so we'll see~
(It would make Momma happy since I played for 9 years!)
My blue-eyed baby boy~ I love you!
I love you too my little Princess 'Lyza Jane!

We thank-you God for protecting us during the Flood of 2010 that
hit all around us but we we're safe in your hands.
We do pray for the many lives that this disaster has affected,
we hope that the sun will shine in your life again soon!
Life is short, never miss a moment!
Somer Jane
ps. Don't miss the video of our picnic I took below,
my kids always make me laugh!

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