Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby Shower for My Cousin Jessie & wife Stephanie~

Baby Boy Brock Marshall
will be arriving soon!
I was soo honored to attend my cousin Jessie's & wife Stephanie's baby
shower on May 15th for their first baby to be here in July!
(Pictured above is me with my Grandma Pat, Stephanie & my Aunt LeeAnne)
The babys room theme is Marvel Comic Book Characters
which I think is really wicked-cool!
Steph really recieved alot of nice baby gifts and I think they need
to rent a UHaul to get it all back to their house! ha ha

This little batman outfit was given to baby Brock by
Grandma Pat...isnt it too cute!

I gave Baby Brock this cool personalized Spiderman baby blanket
which hopefully looks amazing in his nursery!
I hope he loves SPIDERMAN! ha ha

Wonderful day and a wonderful baby shower for Baby Brock!
Can't wait to meet you in July lil' guy!

Love your Cuzin'
Somer Jane

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