Wednesday, May 12, 2010

2nd Annual Strawberry Farm Pickin' Day~

This is our 2nd year to go out to H & S Farms to pick some fresh
STRAWBERRIES on Mothers Day weekend!!!
(I'm hoping to make it a family tradition if I can)
If you have never picked fresh strawberries right off the vine then
you have never tasted a TRUE strawberry!
Of course my baby-girl above taste tests up and down the strawberry fields!
Hayden, my boy, is a great little strawberry picker and does a great job
finding the perfect strawberrys!
(he tends to like the smaller ones though, opposed to
his momma who likes the BIG ones! hee)

'Lyza doesnt put much in the actual basket to take home,
she does have the red evidence all over her face when we leave
the fields showing what she ate though! ;-)


Our basket is filled to the brim, time to go home and
make some strawberry pies!!

Before we leave they had to say Bye to the cows...
I dont think they eat strawberries guys!

Showing off his sticker that says:
Resting on the swing with grandma, My-Hope,
after a hard day pickin' berries!

My Babies and Me~
(I love you two crazy strawberry-lovin kiddos!)
Hayden the Strawberry~
'Lyza the Strawberry
Till next year...thanks for the strawberry fun
and family pickin' time~ H & S Strawberry Farm!!
We'll be back soon.
Somer Jane


  1. I can't wait til strawberry season here. It doesn't start up here til the end of June. I can't wait though.

  2. What a fun day! I wish we had a strawberry patch to do that! =)
