Thursday, April 1, 2010

My 1st Blog Award~


Sooo, I received a Blog Award from someone who actually likes to read this blog 'Daisys and Diggers'!! I now feel very loved!! ;-) (Thank-you Heather)

I suppose the rules state now I have to list 10 things that make me happy and then pass this award on to a few blogs that I enjoy reading~

So here are my 10 things that make me truly happy:

1. First, the most important thing that makes me happy and the whole reason I even created this BLOG in the first place.... is my BEBES!! My children make me HAPPY & I love to share it with the world so everyone knows how happy I am with these two love-bugs in my life!!

2. Sunshine....I love the warm feeling of sunshine! It makes me happy!!

3. Traveling Anywhere! I have "Travel-itis", it is the sickness of needing to visit & explore places I have never been before. My dream is to go on adventures to places yearly! (If not more, since it makes me soo happy!!!)

4. This color~ "Carribean Blue" makes me very happy! (Its my absolute favorite color in the whole wide world and it reminds me of the ocean waters...which brings me to #5 ~)

5. I love the BEACH and it makes me super happy when I'm at one! Sniff, sniff... I wish I had my toes in the sand at this very moment listening to the waves crash along the sand.

6. I have not yet mentioned my evil addiction that makes me happy.... SWEETS! I love candy, cakes, chocolate, pies, pastries, sorbets, puddings, strudels, name it and its sweet and yummy~ then it MAKES ME VERY HAPPY!! ;-)

7. My whole extended family makes me happy! I love my sisters, my brother, my mother, (my father- rest-in-peace), my grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and even the In-Laws! I love my family and they make me happy being my family!

8. Watching MOVIES! I'm the biggest movie buff and I love watching a great blockbuster on DVD or occassionally at the movie theater on the big screen!

9. Earrings....BIG, SPARKLY, UNIQUE, COLORFUL, 'PURTY & of course a bit GAUDY!! Earrings make me happy!

10. Just livin'!

I'm very grateful to just be alive and I treasure everyday I get...livin' makes me happy!

Now, I will pass this award on to a few blogs I enjoy reading when I get the chance:

Fueled by Ploeckel-Power

Katie's Nesting Spot

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