Sunday, April 25, 2010

How to Train a Dragon~

I took Hayden to see the movie above in 3D...
it was really cute.
I now want my very own pet dragon to fly around on! hee
This movie will be a keeper when it comes out on DVD.

The kids got How to train you Dragon happy meals from Mickey D's
they turned into VIKING helmets too!
Super cool idea Mickey D's if I do say so myself~

Hayden always the wise-guy thought his VIKING happy meal
helmet was better styled like this...
what a funny guy I have!
Overall the "How to Train a Dragon" was a good movie and my son
Hayden really enjoyed it as much as I did! hee ;-)
Gotta check it out one matinee afternoon~
'Toothless' the main black dragon character was soo cute!
Somer Jane

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