Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010~

We first celebrated our Easter morning with opening of
the Easter baskets to
discover what the Easter Bunny left them...
They were soo excited to get some goodies!
After the baskets they could hardly wait to get through breakfast
so they could hunt for eggs in the backyard...
we had to tell them the sun needed to come out first! ;-)
The kids dont get alot of candy anymore, so they were trying to stuff
as much as possible in their mouths at once!! (crazy animals) ;-)

We had a dinner at Nanny's house and the few pics
below are from over there~
Elyza is looking for some eggs at Nanny's Easter Egg Hunt below

She found some!
Hayden was hopping all over the place...
but he won the Golden Prize Egg in the end!
I was proud of him for finding the Golden Egg.
He won a huge chocolate bunny!
(Not that he got to eat it all...I'm not crazy man!)
Here is a pic below of all the second cousins that were at the Easter Hunt~
Oldest to youngest:
Chance, Brennan, Kaiden, Hayden, McKenzie, Gabriel & lil' Lyza
Brother & Sisterly Love....awlllll

This is from our Easter lunch at My-Hopes house~
She always has a nice spread and little Egg Hunt for the kids.
The kids love going over My-Hopes house.
Lyza egg hunting
Looking through her Easter Basket goodies from My-Hope~
Hayden found an egg~
Wow a whole $1 bill for the GOLDEN EGG he found...
he was excited, he loves money!
~My Princess and me Easter 2010~
~My Prince and Me Easter 2010~

We had a very blessed Easter day!
The kids were actually 'Angels' most of the day too,
which was like an Easter gift in itself! ;-)
My kids are growing up too fast, soon they will be too old
for all this Easter Egg hunting business...sniff sniff!
I take each moment as it is though, I only wished it lasted longer!
I hope that you and your family had a very special Easter Sunday!
Until next year~
Happy Easter!
Somer Jane

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