Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well Its been awhile since we have recommended some great reading
material on this here blog...
We have recently checked out a handful of books from our favorite local library
that were definitely worth passing along to anyone looking for a great book
to read before bedtime.
In no particular order here our the latest suggestions to request:

This book Silly Tilly by author Eileen Spinelli
is very funny and cute for my two kiddos (6 & 3yr)
It had some silly scenarios and stuff we could giggle about
that this bird brain duck gets into. We loved the silliness!
It also has a hidden message about accepting people for who they are too.

Ok I think I had way to much fun getting into the character of this book! My kiddos enjoyed the way I kept playing the character, saying "Its mine, Its mine!!"

But the book above called, The Boy who wouldnt Share by Mike Reiss was great and the kids especially my son Hayden wanted me to read it almost every night. It does send a great message about sharing. The book even has a little sister which worked out great for my two kiddos learning from the book like it was written just for them?! Maybe it was!! (Great pictures goes with this story too!)

This book was a boys delight~ my son loved the aliens and cool pictures!
The book Bobs Best ever friend by Simon Bartram was creative
and I liked the neat alien kid friendly illustrations.
I did a search after checking this book out for more Simon Bartram
editions and they have a few more worth checking into if you like this one!
'Dougals Deep Sea Diary' by Simon Bartram is on our list next.

Mermaid Sister by Mary Ann Fraser is for all the mermaid addicts out there!!
My little mermaid has really found this book to be amazing.
I might have to buy this book since she really doesnt want us to take it back.
The book is about a girl who wishes for a sister and gets a mermaid
sister from the beach trip her family makes one day.
The story has a happy ending and the pictures are delightful and colorful throughout the book. My daughter gives it big thumbs up!
( I admit I thought it was cute and girly too)

Soo there are just a few books this house would like to suggest to the readers
out there in the 3-7 age range. We will be back soon with some more great
finds hopefully soon. When we come across them from our next favorite
local library adventure that is....

Till then enjoy all your bedtime reading!!

Love Somer Jane

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