Saturday, December 26, 2009

Rice Crispy Treats for Santa~

Soo instead of the massive amounts of cookies Santa will
be getting from all the boys and girls on Christmas Eve
we decided to make Santa some rice crispy treats!

Everyone helped mix and pour the ingredients into the pot~

Hayden had to lick the spoon after we spread all the mixture out
onto the wax paper to cool down~

Is is yummy Hayden?!

All done and ready to cut up for Santas plate~

(oh and Lyza is not happy because she wanted to hold the

rice crispy pan all by herself & not help Hayden hold it.

hee hee drama queen!)

Soo this next picture is on Christmas Day
after Santa had ate all the treats and drank the milk!

Lyza thought it was super cool.

Merry Christmas to ALL!!!

Somer Jane

1 comment:

  1. Hold up...I don't remember you telling me Hayden lost a tooth!!! Did I check out for a second or did you forget to tell me? Sniff...sniff, our babies are growing up too fast!
