Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Princess and the Frog Movie~

I have been really excited to see this Princess and the Frog movie
since hearing about it last spring!
Hayden, myself and Grandma-'Ranny all had a chance to see this
newest Disney creation finally together.
I totally recommend you get out there and see it too!

I have to admit that I really thought of myself as
the Charlotte La Bouff character back in my early 20's! ha
Just because I was soo into being a beauty queen and loved
being a princess even though I had no royal blood whatsoever! hee hee
She was a cute southern belle if ya ask me~
Ray the lightning bug stole the movie though~
he was hilarious and I loved this little bug!

Overall welcome Princess Tiana!
The newest Princess to Disneys Hall of Fame of Royalty~

We all enjoyed this movie very much and it makes ya
want to visit New Orleans and have some Beignets!!
(At least I was craving some afterwards!)
By the way if you havent been to "NAW'LINS" and tasted
some of those powdered sugar delicacies... called beignets~
Theyre amazing!! YUM~

Go see this movie though, I cant wait to get the DVD!!

Somer Jane

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