Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009!

This years theme for our costumes was "The Sea"~
Hayden was the Sharkman from the Pirates of the Carribean
and Lyza was dead set on being Little Mermaid Ariel.
(Last year they were both dogs-Dalamation & Poodle remember and the year before that
it was a Neverland Adventure with Peter Pan and Tinkerbell...
I wonder if I can get them to stay with themes for the future?!)
I can dream cant I!
This was one of the cool houses we went Trick or Treating at~
Happy Halloween Family pic...
I need some make-up man! hee hee
But Isnt my shirt best friend made it for me~shes so crafty!
Trick or Treating at grandma My-Hopes house~
The little mermaid is striking a pose~
This is little Mermaid about to have a heart attack at grandma Rannies house~
(Daddy is introducing her to Freddy and she is not happy!)
Posing with the Wicked Witch, I mean Ranny! hee
(You should have seen her cool black & white striped socks!)

When we got home from all the Candy collecting
we ate a cool Pumpkin shaped Pizza for dinner~
The kids thought it was the bomb of course!

We hope everyone had as much fun on there halloween night as we did!
I want to thank all the family members that let us stop by and
trick or treat at their houses...
SPOILING the kiddos with goodies and gifts galore!
They really had a great evening and it was all thanks to you special loved ones!
You know who you are~ HUGS go out to...
Aunt LeeAnne & Uncle Jim
Grandpa Mr. Man & Kim
We love you all and wish you a very~

Somer Jane

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