Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Charlie Brown in ICE at Opryland~

What a CHILLY evening with Charlie Brown and Snoopy tonight in Nashville!
I drove the kiddos and grandma My-Hope up to experience
the new Charlie Brown on ICE~ a big BIG thank-you
to grandma My-Hope for the treat of the tickets and dinner!
We had a great evening and hope you did too.
Hayden going down the ICE slide for the 4th time! hee
Surprised his butt wasnt frozen off...
Schroeder and his piano in ICE...
Brother and Sister love~
Hayden sliding down the slide again!

Grandma My-Hope said she had a Charlie Brown
Christmas Tree one year... awllll
But this made for a cute pic~

Snoopys christmas light decorated dog house~
This was my favorite I think~
you could walk through
Snoopys house...cool beans man!
This was the best room overall~
All the Peanuts GANG were in a circle around this tree
singing the song famous in the tv special and it was nostalgic!
Baby Jesus and the Nativity Scene, always beautiful!

Doesnt she just look 'Angelic'!!
My handsome son who is soo excited for Christmas!!
~My precious bebes and myself~
(I love you guys soo much!)

After the ICE excitement we drove around the Opryland hotel and
looked at the lights they had on the outside...
they had a gorgeous Nativity scene that you must see!!!
Really it was beautiful and I will have to go for pictures of it.
Then we drove over to a famous restaurant to eat dinner~
You must go at least once if only to watch them flip your
cornbread in a skillet at your table high in the air before they serve it to you!

Hayden enjoying his shrimp and fries!
I love the old timey china they serve your food with! hee hee
The kids got a kick out of how high she threw it and
then caught it back in the skillet...
Hayden was like~ "Cool"!
Posing by the ruby red Christmas Tree... its almost time!
My little Doll-face posing by the tree~

I hope you and yours have a very BLESSED
We are thankful for so many things but thankful
most for the love of FAMILY!
Somer Jane

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