Monday, October 19, 2009

Its the Great Pumpkin!!

Thank-you Boyd's Pumpkin Patch once again for
another beautiful crop of pumpkins to pick from!!!

The kids and I headed up to Boyds this afternoon and
enjoyed the sunshine while trying to find the perfect pumpkin to carve~
I recommend going to Boyds off Exit 11 since they have many sizes & shapes to
choose from and they are always priced perfectly to fit a budget!
(we got our two pumpkins for around $6 bucks~
pretty good if ya ask me, since Hayden got a BIG one!)
The kids loved watching the tractor go out into the pumpkin patch
to get more pumpkins for sale~
back in my day we were allowed to go out into the field and
pick our very own pumpkin right off the vine-good times!

Look at all those bright beautiful orange pumpkins!!
Hayden how ever will you decide which one to take home?
'Lyza is the sun in your eyes? hee hee

'Lyza needed help picking out her pumpkin since she didnt care really
and only wanted to run through the pumpkins and play among them!
Whoa you got the 'GREAT PUMPKIN' Hayden!
(My I remember your first trip to this pumpkin patch when you were
not even a year old yet and now look at you! Look how big my baby boy is! sniff sniff)

Well, one last shot for the BLOG guys!
I cant wait to see how you guys grow from this pic in a few years~
It truly makes my heart sad when I know that these days are
passing by so fast and my precious bebe's are growing up overnight!
Hayden & Lyza remember that no matter what you will always be my babys~
and I will always be your mommy!

I love you both very much...
dont ever forget that you are everything to me~

Love your Mommy,

Somer Jane

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