Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Beech Bend Park 1 of 2~

What a wonderful Saturday surprise we had last weekend~
Grandma~ 'My-Hope' called and asked if we wanted to
go to the lake or someplace fun...
Hayden of course has been dying to go to Beech Bend Park
(since they play the commercials frequently here)
and 'My-Hope' said well then LETS GO!!
Gosh these two kiddos are spoiled rotten I tell you~
wink wink ;-)

First we went to Splash Lagoon Park when we arrived...

It was the perfect day to cool down at a waterpark with grandma!

Lyza cracks me up she just laid down with the train of girls
swimming by and just joined in the pack like she was in their club! hee

The water park kid area was great it had various fountains
and plenty of ways to keep cool...even if you were not trying to get wet either!
Just ask Grandma about the kid who poured a bucket of
water on her head over by that jungle gym!
Poor Grandma~ 'My-Hope'!! hee hee

Hayden and I went on the water slides!
We kinda fought over who was going to go first once we got to the top~
hee hee
I love this picture below with the water splashing all around 'Lyza!
My precious 'Lil' Mermaid!
Hayden rode all around on this green alligator for awhile!

After we swam a little in the olympic size swimming pool we decided it was
time to dry off and visit the Beech Bend Part of the Park.

What little boy doesn't love the FUN HOUSE!!!

Hayden is my daredevil for sure!
(He really makes me proud with the huge amount of courage he has~
not to mention he will be my sidekick as he gets older for riding roller coasters!)
'Lyza loved watching the Merry Go Round
i love this shot~
Hayden on the DRAGON!

Hayden watch out theres a BEE giving the PEACE sign!!
Hayden riding the Dragon Coaster~
He loved it!!
I got to join Hayden on his very first Ferris Wheel ride~
A Queen with her Prince enjoying the Ferris Wheel!

Somer Jane

1 comment:

  1. They are going to have some special memories w/ grandma and all these sweet trips you guys take! It looked like LOADS of FUN!!
