Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Aunt Randi & 'Tommi' come to visit!!

My beautiful sisters came down to visit from up North!

Me and my sis Randi~

We love when Aunt Randi and Aunt 'Tommi' or Kelli (hee hee)
come to visit us and hang out in the good ol' South!
We went to dinner and then hung out at Starbucks one night
with our Aunt LeeAnne! Just us gals hanging out at Starbucks!
I took them to the Lake one day with the kiddos~
it was a beautiful day!!
Hayden and Aunt 'Tommi' aka Kel!
One night we had a weiner/marshmallow roast
at Aunt LeeAnnes house...Kel is roasting some DOGS!
Randi Lynn, Somer Jane & Kelli LeeAnne~
sisters always!

Thank-you guys for coming and visiting us here in TENNESSEE!
We miss you already so much now that your gone~
sniff sniff
Love you!
Somer Jane

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