Wednesday, July 29, 2009

National HotDog Month~

Yum Yum!

We took the National Hotdog Month excuse today to visit this Hot Dog Express restaurant across the river... I was hoping that we could celebrate by eating a hotdog in honor of the month as well as see some Choo Choo themed stuff at this said restaurant.

The Choo Choo Hot Dog Express offered a variety of toppings
and several varietys of HOT DOGS for anyones taste.
I read Bratwursts, Italian Beef, Jumbo Dogs, Chili Dogs and several others I couldnt remember but sounded exotic on the menu~
We settled for two regular dogs for the kiddos with ketchup and relish
and Mommy got the Jumbo Dog with mustard, ketchup & relish!
(The kids begged for Cheetos so hence that instead of potato salad or slaw)
The Hot Dogs we actually yummy and my Jumbo Dog was HUGE!
I started thinking I should have been brave and tried one of the more exotic
hot dog choices since thats what life is all about right...
The restaurant was themed CHOO CHOOs all over and I was soo hoping that they
did have the whole Choo Choo Express thing literally~
Hayden LOVES trains and he LOVED THIS HOT DOG PLACE!
'Lyza enjoyed her hot dog too but wanted to take pics so
I had to let her take one pic of me so she would eat her food! ha
The place had a quarter kiddie train ride to entertain them
while eating the hotdogs~luckily they didnt drain me of all my quarters!
'Lyza enjoyed the Thomas the Train ride-around track
fit just for her size!
Hayden had fun playing with the wooden train set~
I actually got to finish my whole hotdog while they played with
and looked at all the train things available~
They even had a Choo Choo train video playing on the TV-
showing off personal yards of people and their custom built train tracks...
Hayden was already begging for me to go home and build a train track in our yard
like these people had done in theirs...I told him to work Daddy on that! ha ha
The tracks on the video were amazing though and I could
really see how neat it would be to watch it go around the yard
under tunnels in the yard and over built bridges-way cool man!

Soo, we enjoyed celebrating NATIONAL HOTDOG MONTH today
We will have to go back and visit the Choo Choo Hot Dog Express
just for our normal hotdog cravings!
Maybe next time I will be brave and get a BRATWURST! ha

Somer Jane

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