Friday, June 12, 2009

FREE Family Fun DAY!!

The Volunteer Fire Station was hosting a
Free FAMILY FUN DAY today!
(We love free fun)

Here is a picture we took with SPARKY the Dog
as we arrived at the Family Fun day~
'Lyza was playing with the ducks in the pool cooling off
with 'Felony' the police dog~
'Felony' was actually a puppy and not even a year old yet~
But wanted to make friends with Miss 'Lyza Jane
We had to get out face painted!
I was soo excited 'Lyza wanted to get hers painted today~
Batman and the Butterfly Girl~
(and yes, they picked out what they had painted on their face)
Meeting the police dogs~
They were very pretty dogs
Everything was free...YIPPEE!
if it wasnt such a hot day we could have closed
this place down just playing on the jumpys~
They liked this jumpy slide the best

Jumpys ROCK!
My Batman jumping around~
Oooohhh... the MediVac Helicopter is landing!!!
The kids loved watching the helicopter land
Hayden waiting his turn to get in the helicopter~
My future pilot maybe?!
Hayden thought he was soo cool flying the helicopter~
'Lyza Jane future pilot as well?!
Ya never know!
'Lyza Jane, Hayden and their cousin, McKenzie~

Soo even tough it was a scorcher of a day outside...
everyone was good and had a fun-filled FREE day!!
Gotta love that~
Somer Jane

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