Sunday, May 10, 2009

Visiting the Strawberry Farm on Mothers Day~

May is the time for STRAWBERRIES!!

I have been craving some sweet delicious red jeweled fruit
for a week now and today for Mothers Day I took the
kiddos, daddy and grandma My-Hope to the Strawberry Farm~
They are getting ready to go pick some YUMMY strawberries!
Hayden LOVES to pick the strawberries, he could
probably get a job here if they would hire child labor! ha
'Lyza Jane is more of an EATER than a picker!!
Hayden was impressing me this year with his strawberry picking skills~
I guess he learned a few things from last year~
'Lyza Jane just learned you can eat as many strawberries as you can while
'ACTING' like your picking in the fields! ha ha
Taking a break from the picking...
'Lyza Jane STILL eating instead of collecting!
How many does this make 'Lyza Jane?!
My professional Strawberry Picker~
My Professional Strawberry Quality Tester~

We love to pick strawberries!
She can't even stop eating for a picture! ha

Also at the Strawberry farm they have animals... MOO!

One of the ladys who worked at the farm gave the kids some
pretty petunias to give to Mommy and Grandma for a
Happy Mothers Day!
(sweet of them)
Some of our Strawberry Loot~

Oohh I just had to make a yummy strawberry pie with
some of the strawberries too~

Cant wait to go back one more time before the season ends!

Somer Jane

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