Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Flying Kites from 'Ranny~

On vacation grandma 'Ranny bought the kiddos
super cool HUGE kites from a little beachside kite store in
Provincetown, MA.
'Lyza Jane is really into Mermaids right now so when 'Ranny
saw this Mermaid kite~ she knew it was destined to be hers!
Hayden got this cool SHARK kite~
'Lyza really had to hold tight to her kite~
the thing was bigger than her!
It was really pretty swimming around in the sky~
The wind has blown her hair allover while flying her kite~
shes still gorgeous as ever though!
Haydens really into flying his new shark kite
The cool black shark hunting the sky~
Looks like the Shark is going to eat some Mermaid for dinner~

Thank-you soo much 'Ranny for the super cool kites to fly!

Somer Jane

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