Sunday, April 5, 2009

Heritage Park Easter Hunt hosted by Parks & Rec~

Ok...This is OUR 3rd and final EASTER EGG HUNT!
(for this weekend that is...hee hee)
The city Parks and Rec Dept hosted a 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt
so we had to make an appearance to the free fun event!
I mean Easter only comes once a year right?!
(Being my favorite holiday too doesnt hurt!)
'Lyza and myself waiting for her age groups egg hunt to begin~
"I found one Mommy!"
After the egg hunt while waiting for Haydens age group to begin
she was enjoying twirling and running in the field~
She looks so cute in this back profile pic
Ooohhh CANDY inside the egg!
Haydens age group below is getting ready for the start signal

(Chaos is FUN!)
After the hunting Elyza ran to Hayden and Daddy walking from the field~
Hayden trying to make sure 'Lyza Jane doesnt run off...
what a good big brother!
Can we play at the PARK....PLEASE?!!
(Sure, why not!)

Twirly Slides are fun!!

We knew Daddy being TALL would come in handy for a reason someday~
his job is to lift us up and across the monkey bars!!

Luckily the rain held off in just enough time to finish the egg hunts!
The wind was blowing warning of the rain coming, but at least
we were blessed with a dry, 'free' and fun afternoon of Egg Hunting
put on by the city!
Thanks to Parks and Rec for putting on community fun events like this one!
We sure do enjoy them~
Happy Easter!
Somer Jane

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