Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hello there Mr.Caterpillar~

Some days I cant even plan the fun it just happens to us!
I love those days when God surprises us...
Today we were hanging outside in the front yard-
just enjoying the beautiful day and writing with some sidewalk chalk.
Well, Miss Elyza Jane spots a green caterpillar on the concrete and
yells for Hayden and myself to come over to check out her discovery.
Sure enough she had found a little green friend for us to analyze.
So I ran inside to get a jar, since Hayden wants to watch it turn into
a butterfly...(even though I dont know if it will or not) but its worth
a try to make my baby boy happy!
Plus that would be sweet if it did manage to change and we could
watch in wonderment at Gods hand in amazing creation~
Soo, for now we have another pet/family member to add to our
ever growing and endless population to our household... hee

Wonder what they will name this little guy?
(or girl)
('Lyza, I hope its not 'Green'!) tee hee ;-)
Somer Jane

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