Monday, April 27, 2009

Helllooo Tooth Fairy~

Looky who is 5
and lost his first tooth!
He woke up yesterday morning wiggling his tooth
and saying mom look my tooth is loose!
I couldnt believe he's already loosing his baby teeth~
My baby is no longer a BABY!
Putting his tooth inside the tooth fairy pillow I made him~
Hanging it on the outside of his door for the tooth fairy
to come and take his baby tooth away~
(I wasn't even gonna ATTEMPT to put the tooth under his pillow!)

(especially in recession! ha ha)
The story behind "Wizzy the Tooth Wizard"~
When I explained to Hayden about a tooth fairy coming
to visit and would take away his tooth, he later explained to
grandma that the "WIZARD" was gonna come to see him and take his tooth?!
Where he got 'Wizard' out of Fairy~ I dont know, but it was sure funny!
So now I like the uniqueness of the "TOOTH WIZARD"~
His certificate he received from the Tooth Wizard!
Funny thing!!
The VERY next day that we lost our VERY first tooth...
Hayden knocks out his second tooth!!
In fairness I want to believe it was an accident since he had
company over playing with him,
and that he didnt do it on purpose to get more money!!
Only Hayden knows for sure!
So this kid made $10 bucks in less than 24 hrs man~
His "SMILE" is PRICELESS though!!

Not to mention he has a new lisp when he talks~
due to the fact that he has missing bottom front teeth!
(Soo cute)

Somer Jane

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea, we're several years away from losing teeth but I am so going to steal the little bag idea!

    Cute new profile pic, did you just recently go from blond to red?
