Sunday, March 15, 2009

Getting ready for St. Patricks Day~

So we are getting into the IRISH Spirit this week!
(and yes, our gene pool has descendents from Ireland~
Soo go ahead... KISS ME I'm IRISH!) ha ha
Here are a few of our St. Patricks Crafts we have completed so far~

Hayden did very well coloring this hidden picture of a POT of GOLD!
He had to color all the letter P's yellow, O's black & T's green.

Traced the Shamrock with a green crayon

Cut out the Shamrock with Scissors....
Hayden just loves using scissors!

(mommy helped trim his edges up though at his request)

Use some green puffy gel glue paint to outline the edges...
if we had of had some green glitter on hand I would have sprinkled it here~

Next Hayden wrote his name on the Shamrock with
gold gel puffy glue stuff~

Let dry and then we hung them up on the back
kitchen window for decoration!
'Lyza Jane was not into making the shamrocks today,
so Mommy made hers for her with Hayden~

Hayden also loves doing Mazes and I found this online for him to do

Our decorated back window so far~

Happy St. Patricks Day WEEK!!

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