Monday, February 16, 2009

"Mr. Mans Birthday" & Valentines~

Soo this was Valentines Weekend and
Presidents Day ~ 3 day weekend!!
And it was a great one in my neck of the woods
First off my hubby gave me the best present money could buy
and it cant be bought...

He treated me to the whole day of FREEDOM!! ha ha
Your wondering what that means I'm sure...
in my house it means mommy (myself) got a free pass out of the
Looney Bin here at 'Casa CRaZy'!

He watched the kids all day while I left the premises!! ;-)
(yeah for me)
I spent the precious time visiting with my grandmother and my mom
bringing them both boxes of chocolates since this is the first time my
beloved grandpa wasnt here to buy them this year himself!
(that was his tradition ya see)
But I felt it was special to spread some love to my women role models whom
I love soo dearly in my life and it was a great Valentines!
Brad and I got to celebrate today without KIDS on a double celebration
event in Nashville at the CHEESECAKE FACTORY!!
It was Brads Dads big 60th birthday and so we all met up to eat and celebrate~
But for Brad and myself it was our once in a BLUE MOON
date with each other/Valentines dinner too! hee
This was the first time for both of us to eat at The Cheesecake Factory
and it was expensive but a fun time with pretty good food~
(I wish I had a picture of the mouth watering chocolate mountain~
I ordered this and took it home....three words~ TO DIE FOR!!!)
That was worth the trip to this place for another visit for sure!
Anywho, I have to admit my Valentines weekend was pretty great
and better than I expected...maybe this means Im gonna have a good year!!
I sure look forward to that~ Wink wink! ;-)

Brad and his Dad aka 'Mr. Man" at Cheesecake Factory~

The free dessert from the restaurant for his BIG 60th birthday~

Happy Valentines Day to US!!

Somer Jane

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