Sunday, February 1, 2009

Making Valentines for our friends~

Sooo we wanted to send some St. Valentine
surprises to our friends for Valentines Day...
So we made sweet valentine goody bags today~

The kids had fun filling the bags with all the goodys

The bags were filled with:
Chocolate hearts
1 Valentine fruit-roll-up
Strawberry Creme Kisses
1 Valentine balloon
1 heart sticker

We only have to make the candy necklaces
and fill out the Valentine Cards then we can mail them
off at the post office to our friends everywhere
that we love soo much!!
Hopefully they are surprised with happiness when they find
a Valentine in their mailboxes~
Somer Jane

1 comment:

  1. Meara really LOVED hers! Thank you for thinking of her. She is always talking about wishing she would get some mail. You're the BEST!!! ;-)
