Friday, February 20, 2009

The Letter V~

We ate some yummmmy vegetable soup this week!
Hayden loved the letter V sandwiches with vegetables & dip~

One of our crafts this week was painting the HIDDEN letter V's on
white paper...(I drew letter V's all over with a white crayon on the paper)

The kids had fun painting the paper to find the HIDDEN letter Vs
on their white piece of paper

But any excuse to paint at my house is fine by them~

One of the finished HIDDEN letter V artwork they painted

Hayden made a letter V all by himself with his M&Ms

I found these Velvet stickers at the Dollar store
and the kids had fun coloring them~

They felt the VELVET first and then enjoyed coloring the soft stickers.

'Lyza colored her ballerina VELVET sticker~
Another yummy letter V lunch:
V peanut butter & jelly sandwiches with VANILLA pudding
We learned that VITAMINS start with the letter V!
Remember to take your daily vitamin to grow big & strong~

Somer Jane

1 comment:

  1. The magic appearing V with water colors is a great idea! With the warm weather the kids could paint outside. Hmmm. I'll be trying that soon!
