Thursday, January 1, 2009

**January 1st 2009**

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Another year has ended...a new one begun.
I'm looking forward to this year and feeling it will be a BIG year for myself and my family...I just feel a positive year is ahead! I hope that my feelings are right~

We started the day today having lunch with grandma- "My-Hope". She makes the traditional black-eyed peas and ham for good-luck for the New Year... its soo yummy and I pray that the luck is with me & the kiddos throughout 2009 now!

After lunch we went home to wait for Aunt LeeAnne to come visit us and celebrate Christmas-belated with her. Sooo here are some of the pics from our Christmas celebration with our specially sweet Aunt LeeAnne:

'Lyza Jane & Hayden
got the Grouchy ladybug Game~
Hayden got a super cool remote race car
Wow a Thomas Train watch
and paint a race car set
'Lyza Jane stealing Aunt LeeAnnes popcorn gift
'Lyza Jane got a learning bear from
PePa and Grandma Pat
I thought this shot was cool...
I used my Picasa program to do it~

Bye Bye Great Aunt LeeAnne
and Thank-You soo much!!

NEW YEAR 2009!!!

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