Sunday, December 14, 2008

Letters from SANTA~

We received Letters From SANTA!!!
(Well it wasnt from the Santa in the North Pole but from his
hillbilly cousin Santa Claus from INDIANA!! ha ha JK)

The kids cant read so they dont know the letters came from
Santa Claus, Indiana...they just loved knowing
Santa had sent them some certified MAIL!! ha

Haydens letter even wished him a Happy Birthday
in the PS. section of the letter which was a cute touch!

'Lyza Janes letter said to stay nice to her brother
which I thought was funny!!
They both need to be nice to each other really~
I will file these tokens away for one day when they are adults
and they can look back at their childhood long ago!
I think its awesome that Santa Claus, Indiana
provides this service of "Letters from Santa" for free!
They did a great job sending them out and I'm thankful for
their hardwork for all the children out there!
Happy Holidays~
Somer Jane

1 comment:

  1. Hillbilly cousin? Perish the thought!

    Santa Claus, Indiana, is Santa's summer home ... so your children got the real deal. :0)

    You can visit Santa all summer long at Holiday World Theme Park here in town. (

    Glad you liked the letters!

