Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas with 'Rannie~

Soo grandma 'Rannie came over to our
house to celebrate a late Christmas...
I kinda like stretching out Christmas like this!
Hmm, maybe we should start a tradition of celebrating with
each family member on different days!
(makes things more special and not soo rushed in my opinion)
Anywho, the kids loved having some time to
play with grandma a.k.a.~ 'Rannie!

'Lyza Jane got a Dora & Pegusus horse...oohhh!
Hayden got some NEW 'CARS' from the pixar movie
he didnt have!

'Lyza Jane got Barbie Ariel and Barbie Sleeping Beauty

'Bill Doctor' got Hayden a cool car blocks set~

Oohhh mommy got some new pots & pans
Maybe I can cook up some NEW yummy dishes
even better
than Rachel Ray with these! ha ha

Thank-you 'Rannie for spending the day with us
and all the wonderful Christmas gifts!!
We love you soo much~
Somer Jane

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