Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Lunch at Grandma My-Hopes~

Our Christmas dinner was at My-Hopes at 1pm
and it was very yummy too!
The kids were spoiled of course by their grandma My-Hope
with all the presents as well...too spoiled!
It was a fun afternoon spending time with our
special My-Hope on Christmas day~
Hayden got this AWESOME dinosaur named SPIKE!

It lights up, walks, growls, picks up a bone and even BURPS! ha ha
Saying thank-you to grandma for all the cool presents!
It is a CARS pez dispenser...not that expensive but you'd think
Hayden won the lottery with this face!! ha ha
'Lyza Jane got some princess dress-up stuff ~really cool!

The Ariel necklace sings when you press the button...I WANT ONE!!

'Linny' from the WONDER PETS~

Hayden got a new Batman Hat and gloves set~

Hayden and 'Lyza Jane riding on grandmas back porch outside~

'Lyza Jane got her 1st bicycle...
a Dora big wheel for Christmas~

How wonderful our Christmas has been...truly we are blessed!
We still have more family to get together with & celebrate the
holiday but it has been soo wonderful even if it ended now!
Christmas is such a special time to have children
and it makes me soo happy to watch them live through these
magical moments of childhood!
I hope the holiday season is blessing you as well!!
Somer Jane

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