Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008~

Happy Thanksgiving!
My beautiful sisters came down to share the holiday
with us this Thanksgiving and here are a few photos
from our visit with them this weekend~

Hayden and Aunt Randi capturing a Kodak moment

My Aunt LeeAnne and my cousins Jaime and Jessie

My Grandfather (my dads dad) 'PePa' and me

My sister Randi and our Uncle Michael (our dads brother)

My gorgeous and sweet sisters~ Kelli, Randi and myself

All the cousins together for the first time in awhile

My princess 'Lyza Jane rocking in
Great Aunt LeeAnnes chair

'Lyza Jane spending sometime with Dewey!

2nd cousins Jessica and 'Lyza Jane sharing some chips & dip

They had fun together Jessica is 3 and 'Lyza Jane is 2

We went walking down the Riverwalk to look at the lights

Aunt LeeAnne and my sisters...I took the pic!

My favorite Donegan women!

Hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving this year~
I was really thankful to have my sisters come down to visit from up North!
I dont get to see them as often as Id like but its truly a blessing when
I do get to spend some quality time with them!
We had a very gracious holiday~
Somer Jane

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you posting again! I've missed keeping up with all your fun! Looks like you had a wonderful time with your sisters!
