Sunday, November 2, 2008

~Letter 'P' week~

P is for Pumpkin!
Daddy carved Haydens Pumpkin with him
so I missed getting pics but here is the after product~
P is for Pumpkin Pie!


Pumpkin pie is Yummy!

Mommys Slice!
Dig in!!
Hayden working on writing P's
'Lyza Jane coloring the P
We made 'P'ostcards to send out for Halloween

The Letter P pancakes~
P is for Pumpkin Pancakes!

Some fun P books we read

We did some fun things with the letter P
which worked well with this holiday Halloween
and all the pumpkins!
Besides the pics above we also had Popcorn & a
movie, we read Petes Dragon, and of course had PIZZA!!
I asked Hayden tonight before bed what letter he would like
to work on this week since I have never given him the
decision yet...and he said the letter 'L'!
So look forward to our letter L week real soon~
Somer Jane

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