Friday, October 10, 2008

~Learning about the Letter F ~

Found a VERY interesting book at the library
just by chance while browsing the aisle shelves...
It was too perfect not to pass up for my Letter 'F'
week lesson plan!! HA HA
I mean a FROG~
named FARLEY...
thats FARTS!!

This was a cute book too below about the FARMERS FAT CAT
~we have a FAT cat too but we call him...Mr. Kitty...MEOW!

Hayden was doing really well writing his letter "F's"
I love how he colored his fish to look like FLOUNDER from the little mermaid!
He came up with it all on his own, which I thought was cute! awllll

Our letter 'F' lunch this week was...
yummy FRUIT Salad with letter 'F' sandwiches~

Our big letter 'F' Art project was FINGER PAINTING!!!

Lyza Jane's work is very colorful with a flair of modern edge...
ha ha jk

Hayden was having fun practicing his letters...
He was also doing some pretty good pumpkins too~

Lyza Janes finished 'FINGER' painting masterpiece~

Haydens finished masterpiece but Daddy had to add his racing #83
on Haydens artwork...
We didnt do much this week for the letter 'F' as in field trips
and such... PaPa (great-grandpa) has been very sick fighting his brain cancer soo we have been visiting him at his house this week~
soo our preschool activities have suffered a little.
Overall we still learned about the letter 'F' fairly well so we
will start on the letter 'P' next week.
Somer Jane

1 comment:

  1. Finger painting letters, hmmm. This might be just the right activity to encourage Koen to work on his fine motor skills and practice his letters.
