Tuesday, October 28, 2008

~Goblins in the Garden at Cheekwood~

Today we went to Nashville's Cheekwood Botanical Gardens
for the Goblins in the Garden Halloween event.
The kids are doing a decorating craft

Drinking HOT CHOCOLATE infront of the Van Gogh scarecrow
Trick or Treating in the Gardens

Next to the Halloweener Dog scarecrow

Trick or treating from a Fairy in the Garden

MORE trick or treating

Infront of the 'AXL' scarecrow...funny!

Infront of the black crow scarecrow

This was called the scarecrows day off...
All the kiddos: Lyza Jane as the Poodle, Hayden as the Dalmation
Meara as the Bunny and Addie as the Ladybug~
The kids sitting in the grass eating the candy they received
Me with my wild 'DOGS'!!!

It was a cold day but that didnt stop the excitement of my kiddos!
We enjoyed seeing some of the scarecrows that
Cheekwood had around the gardens~
We also did a craft, had some hot chocolate and
trick or treated in the gardens.
We went with my friend Heather, her daughter Meara,
and friend Nikole & her daughter Addie.
I think the kids enjoyed the day!
Halloween Countdown is on!!
3 more days!
Somer Jane

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