Saturday, October 18, 2008

~Dedicated to my PaPa - R.I.P.~

I havent had the chance to blog about the kiddos lately
(practically not at all this month really)~
but it has been because we were visiting my (grandpa) 'PaPa' at his home
and then he was put into the hospital where I visited him
and my family holding vigil for him by his bedside.
My Papa lost his battle with brain cancer this month on October 14th.
He was 83 years young and truly a blessing in my life!
My babies loved their Great-Papa very much and will miss him
and miss visiting him at his home together with Nanny (their great-grandma).
It has been a sad couple weeks for my family and to be honest
October is a real bummer for me now....
But there is still plenty to live for and happiness to make here on earth I realize~
and my Papa was always so full of life and never let things get him down sooo
I want to dedicate this post to my Papa...
You were a true hero!
"In more ways than One"

~We love you Papa~

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