Friday, September 12, 2008

~My Chica Norma came to visit~

Norma and her daughter Olivia (Haydens friend & Penpal)

Hayden, Olivia and Elyza Jane
Yummy Cupcakes!!
Ooohhh Yeah!!
"I wonder if anyone will notice if I just take this little bit of icing right here..."
Pink & Blue Mouths! Ya know its good when your wearing it!

Happy DAY!
My good friend Norma that moved to Colorado came to visit with her daughter this weekend! We were gonna take the kids to Jump Zone but long story short the owner was being ridiculous about bringing cupcakes inside unless we booked a party room and we couldnt even bring a present inside either!!

Sooo note to self:
Don't bring anything to JumpZone!
EVEN if your not throwing a party!!! Geez!
So we decided to say 'HASTA LA VISTA' to Jumpy Place and went to
Micky D's instead!
I provided enough sugar for everyone and we celebrated birthdays early by exchanging gifts among the children.
Our visit went by fast and I already miss my friend Norma & her daughter 'Oli'
that had to leave to go back home to Colorado so soon!
We have had some fun times with our kids together and I miss them!
Sniff Sniff ;-(
Somer Jane

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