Saturday, September 20, 2008

~ Learning about the letter 'D' ~

Our letter of the week is "D"
We made a trip to go feed the Ducks this week~
because the word Duck begins with the letter D of course!
Now before everyone gets all politically correct on me,
I know that most of these pictured are geese but there are
white ducks that we're feeding too!!
hee hee

My fav pic of them watching the ducks~

Chasing the ducks away~

Here Ducky -Ducky- Ducky!!

'Lyza Jane is helping me make the letter 'D' pancakes this morning~

Eating a banana while mommy frys the pancakes up~
One set of Letter 'D' pancakes we made~
Hayden was doing well writing the capital letter 'D' in my opinion~

Coloring their 'Dragon' land pictures
Dragon begins with the letter 'D'

One of Hayden's favorite things (Hence our Blog title)
He asked if could have one of these actually...
Ha ha

Hayden I dont think they will fit in our backyard sweetie~

A boy and the Digger

Craft Time: Making Dinosaurs!
'Lyza Janes is a (unique not even discovered yet) Dinosaur~
hee hee

Hayden was going for the more 'Stego' Dino look~

Soo this is The Alphabet Chart mommy made
that we use to help us learn the letters~

It is also a game that we match the alphabet cards
to the correct matching letter~

He had a picnic one day on the deck with Dinosaur cutout sandwiches~ well the cutout I bought said they were dinosaur sandwich makers!

'Dinosaur' Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches are GOOD!
This is a RARE special occassion, I hardly ever let them have rootbeer!
The 'MUG' is sacred for Mommy & Daddy! ha ha

One of the books we read about Dinosaurs below, it was actually a cute book about dinos with some true facts included~

The Dog puppets we made~
'Lyza Janes is a Pink Poodle!!
(which is what she is dressing up as for Halloween actually)

Hayden made a Dalmation, which is what he is going to be for Halloween!

The Poodle and the Dalmation~

We had a fun week learning about the letter "D"!

Can you tell?

We had doughnuts for breakfast one day and made our signature letter 'D' pancakes another morning for breakfast...YUM!

We even ate DOG food for breakfast one day~

ha ha ha I'M TOTALLY KIDDING!!!!!

But seriously, we had fun on our 'Diggers' field trip
watching all the diggers moving dirt around was fun! Hey and the trip was totally free entertainment for the kiddos
yet they were learning something as well! I love those kind of field trips!

They had fun making the 'Dog' puppets and putting on puppet shows
in the living room for each other. (mostly Hayden puts on the show and
'Lyza Jane & me like to watch, but sometimes I participate when Hayden the stage director lets me! ha ha)

We are going to be learning about the letter 'C' next week and I'm excited since there are many great foods that begin with the letter 'C'~
sooo at least we should eat good while learning
about the letter next week!

hee ;-)

Somer Jane

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