Wednesday, August 27, 2008

~PePa and Grandma Pat visit~

Great-Grandpa 'PePa' and Pat 'PePa' and Hayden
Cheesin' with Great-Aunt LeeAnne
The Gangs All Here~
(minus Aunt LeeAnne who is taking the pic of course)
Me and my 'PePa' and Pat

We had a nice visit today from Great-Grandpa 'PePa' and
Great-Grandma Pat from Dickson, TN.
They came over and had a nice visit with all of us.
Aunt LeeAnne drove them over today and she even played
outside for a little bit with the kids! (brave Aunt LeeAnne)
The kids had soo much fun having company
from our family visiting from out of town.
I think when 'PePa', Pat and LeeAnne left to go out to lunch though
they were ready for a nap instead from being exhausted by the kids!!
ha ha
Hayd' and 'Lyza Jane wore everyone out for sure,
in a good way of course! They really enjoyed their special visit
with 'PePa, Pat and Aunt LeeAnne!
Somer Jane

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