Monday, August 18, 2008

~An Evening of Sidewalk Chalk & Popsicles~

Banana popsicles are soo yummy!!!

'Lyza and her shopping cart...she loves pushing this thing!
Daddy drew Hayden a racecar #83 of course!
Notice at the bottom right hand corner of this pic that under the tire is blue
chalk coming from the tire...Hayden drew this and said it was the
tires smoke from going fast!!! Isnt that cute!!
Daddy drew 'Lyza Jane some flowers...awllll
And he dedicated this lil' graffiti to me...

It was a nice (not HOT) evening so we all decided to play out front in the driveway tonight. Hayden had the idea of the sidewalk chalk and I chimed in with the popsicles!! Daddy was home working on a friends lawnmower but he took a break to become~
"Mr. Daddy/Sidewalk Chalk Artist"
and drew everyone (including me) a picture on the driveway with the chalk...the kids loved the pics he drew for them and I have to admit my pic was a very sweet gesture as well!!

Somer Jane

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